Monday, June 14, 2010

Get Juiced!!!

No, I am not talking about using steroids, I'm talking about getting a high-quality juicer and starting to make your own veggie juice! It really is one of the most powerful dietary rituals I have come across, as the results are energizing, highly alkalizing, noticeable, and wonderful :)

Personally, I've noticed the biggest positive impact come from green juice, or, juicing vegetables like kale, swiss chard, and spinach. There is just something about green juice that is incredibly POTENT, healing, and detoxifying, and although it doesn't taste that great, when mixed in with a supporting cast of cucumber, carrots, and celery, it will go down just fine!

Within reason, the more fresh veggie juice you have in a day, the better, and upon making it a regular habit you may start to notice some lovely changes such as your eyes brightening and/or lightening, your breath getting better, your skin clearing up and becoming smoother, and these are just the beginning!

In addition, if you were to consume nothing but fresh veggie juice for anywhere from 3 to 12 days, there would be an undeniable detoxification that would occur, and veggie juicing is often times a part of many different forms of detoxification. I have never tried a longer detox because I hate losing weight, but I will make it there at some point, lol...

Anyway, in closing, today's lesson is that juicing rocks, it is powerfully good for you, so go out now, get yourself a juicer, and get cracking!!!

Be Well,


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Feeling is not God, God is not Feeling

Greetings :)

So recently I have been wrestling with some major grief and heartache, and I wanted to share with you what I have learned so far from it. The conflict within me has been raging, and it has been very difficult to see clearly through the smoke and debris in order to reach some sort of Truth or Right Way. My intuition has been saying certain things, my conscious mind keeps offering opposing desires, and I feel caught in the middle.

Have you ever been here before?

Well, upon speaking the other day with a wonderful healer and good friend of mine, Hugh Smiley (, I came to the realization, thanks to him, that nothing within us is perfect. Not our rational minds or our egos, not our intuitions or our emotions. They are all merely parts of what we are, all sacred and useful in their own ways, but not to be totally and wholly relied upon. For example, over the past few years I have been teaching myself how to better rely upon my feelings and intuition about places, people, and things, but in so doing I see that I have slowly begun to discredit the importance of my conscious mind as a fine tool for making good decisions. Most recently my intuition has been telling me very adamantly to give naturopathic medicine another try and also to resume my relationship, or at least try, with my ex, but upon being confronted by both options my conscious mind instantly starts rebelling.

So what's a guy to do?

Both aspects of our being, the conscious mind and the intuition, are valuable and important, but if you rely on one to the exclusion of the other, you will be in trouble. Sometimes in order to make something happen or learn something valuable, you simply have to jump in, and then you will know for certain what is there for you to be gained or lost. What I have remembered through this experience is that life is to be lived, not solely thought about or attempted, but REALLY LIVED!!! You won't gain or grow much if you do not respect the art of balancing your inner and outer worlds, which seems to me to be absolutely crucial in order to reach the highest states of well-being and consciousness. In the aforementioned cases, I think I did too much prioritizing of my intuition and not enough of simply going after what I consciously wanted or pushing aside what I know I didn't want. This is far easier said than done, but I see now that it doesn't matter all that much what you jump into or out of. Things, in the majority of cases anyway, can always be changed or altered, and we are never truly without choices.

Why is this really-super-awesome-great to know?

Because it means that we can all live our lives with LESS fear and MORE courage!! Things are rarely as bad as they seem, anyway, so what are you waiting for? GET OUT THERE AND TAKE SOME RISKS!!! They don't have to be huge, but they should scare you at least a little ;)

Thank you for listening, and I wish you all the best on your Sacred and Beloved Journey :)