Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Truth Shall Set You Free

No, I am not about to attempt a 40 day fast in the desert or change my name to Jesus, but I will tell you that one of the keys to deep, lasting, and beautiful healing is to always, but ALWAYS, TELL THE TRUTH.


Because contained in it is how you actually want to express yourself in any given m(om)ent, and since we have all come into this life to be who we are and NOT someone or something else, it is absolutely imperative that we express ourselves honestly, that we be WHO WE CAME HERE TO BE, or else we are messing with the Master Plan, as it were. I am convinced that when you do not express whatever dwells within, and I mean doing so with a sense of right and wrong, morality and virtue, etc., which I believe we are all innately aware of, there are many health problems that can ensue, some of which, depending on the nature of the blockage, can threaten our very existences. For example, a number of people who will remain nameless have come into my life at one time or another all having experienced the EXACT SAME PHENOMENA for, what I believe, anyway, the EXACT SAME REASONS. These women were all sexually or otherwise assaulted at one or more times in their lives and chose never to talk about it or address what happened in direct ways until years later. All of these women, and there have been three so far to be exact, in addition to MANY, MANY more who I'm sure I will never encounter, ended up suffering from or having close calls with thyroid cancer, and if you think of the positioning of the thyroid gland in the body, in addition the symbolism it conveys (the throat - primary channel/throne of verbal communication), you can see that it lies right in the center of our major verbal communicative channel, which gives evidence to the fact that the symbolism of dis-ease needs to be given more attention!! From this empirical data, one could argue, as I am doing right now, that these poor women suffered in the ways they did because they chose to suppress what was DESPERATELY IMPORTANT for them to voice. Had they dealt with all of the hurt and rage and anger they bottled up in response to the atrocities they experienced, I believe their ensuing health challenges could have been avoided, or, at the very least, greatly minimized in severity.

Why did I attract these beautiful souls into my life?

Because like attracts like, and I am have my own issues with rage, anger, and communicative suppression. Believe me, folks, it can be DEADLY. Before I started dealing with my anger, at my lowest low, anyway, I became very attracted to cancer literature, specifically natural cleansing methods one could implore upon falling victim to the condition. I didn't understand why I was so attracted to the literature at the time, for I was just following my impulses and going with what was naturally interesting in the moment. However, the more anger I chose to express and let out, which was a very rocky process to say the least, the less interested I became in the cancer literature, and the better I felt until I got the point where I just wasn't angry anymore :)

Suppression, by it's very nature, cannot offer any sort of long-term solution to a given problem. It is only temporary and should be used with that reality in mind. Or else what? Or else you could effectively be clogging a dam that you do NOT want to clog. The thing with emotions is that unless you learn how to let them go another way, which is certainly possible and is something I have learned, they need to be either acted upon or expressed somehow in mature, safe, and responsible ways, or else, simply enough, they will build up inside of you and eventually cause you harm. Homeopaths talk at length about this, and if you suffer from these communicative issues or know someone who does, perhaps it is a good modality to experiment with in order to avoid any severe pitfalls.

Perhaps now it is clear to you why people say that there are no mental institutions in Italy...because they never hold anything in!! Lol. I'm not in favour of spending extensive amounts of time in extreme states, and perhaps this is an extreme state, but all I am saying is that we need to express our Truths, what we truly think and how we truly feel, no matter what it looks like, or else we very well may end up in trouble.

The concept of Radical Honesty ( can help you get started with this journey, although I think in practice it is overly harsh and not diplomatic enough, it is very useful to get the ball rolling and see just how much we, as a society, are accustomed to lying to one another and ourselves, which is another way of referring to suppression. Withholding truth is a form of lying, after all, and if we do not express in some way our truth, HOW CAN WE TRULY KNOW WHO WE ARE?

I leave that question in your capable hands, and happy truth-telling!

I never really liked you anyway,

Andrew*, lol

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