Saturday, February 13, 2010

...and He saw that it was good...

Now, based on the title of this blog, I know what some of you might be thinking, and the answer is NO, I haven't become a Born-again Christian, but I have definitely seen some Light, and what I'm making specific reference to is ENERGY. Yes, energy, the stuff which animates and gives life to all we know and are, but recently, and in part because of reading a great article sent to me by my friend and Fellow Warrior of Light, Rowan, I have started to think differently about how one gains more energy in healthy ways, and you know what? I think I may have some answers for you :)

First of all, the article I made reference to can be read here: and it is really awesome. Jam-packed full of useful info and life-lengthening tidbits, so I hope you give it a read in your spare time :)

Secondly, and getting to the meat and potatoes, think back to "The Celestine Prophecy". It is a fantastic, little read, and one of the first books I came across that got me thinking in New Ways about what life is all about, and, more importantly, how Human Consciousness Evolves.

Have you ever thought about just how this process works? I have, A LOT, and the most recent place my journey has taken me is to the Awareness and Cultivation of Energy.

As with many other things, I learned about this the hard way through dealing with my now-ex girlfriend, Jenny. Jenny and I fell in love very quickly, however she was looking for love and I was not, at least I didn't think I was, and what unfolded from that part on was a whole lot of bickering, fighting, yelling, crying, and all else that relates to human conflict, save for any sort of physical violence!! This, as you can imagine, was an exhausting process for the both of us, but one of the best lessons we both learned has to do guessed it - ENERGY.

What she and I both began to notice was that I would frequently start fights with her in and around the time she would be studying hard for an exam, or, a time when she would be paying me little attention. It was these times, and I feel like a little child saying this, that were the times I always felt provoked to start fights, and this was very trying for poor Jenny. I had no conscious idea at the time of what I was doing, but now I realize that that was my strategy for getting her to give me the energy I so desired. Yes!! I was acting like a vampire, and she was going along with it out of love, and that's what people do, especially children, before they realize what they are doing. Even when some people realize what they are doing to another, THEY KEEP DOING IT!!! It's bloody awful, if you ask me, and I have been watching a lot of vampire anime films lately to boot (archetypal identification) which supports my hypothesis of where my intentions have laid. I feel utterly rotten for my childish behaviour, but thankful to have learned the lesson.

For those of you who know anything about quantum physics, this behaviour and it's accompanying phenomenon are scientifically and empirically supported (see for a very detailed account), and basically, from the perspective of quantum reality, you give energy to a place, person, thing, or idea if you focus your attention or intention on it. For example, if there is something you really do not like about your life and you do nothing but focus on it, you are actually sending out a message to the UniVerse that you want more of it and that it is good (like in "The Secret"), for God/the UniVerse exists to support your Free Will, and not the other way around. God simply wants to experience itself THROUGH you, not TO you, although both certainly occur, and that is pretty profound and wonderful and delightful and AWESOME when you actually wrap your head around it (please read "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch if you haven't already!). Likewise, as can be the case between people and was the case between Jenny and I, when you focus a lot on a person, you essentially are giving them your energy, and to them it will feel great, but to you, if you give too much, anyway, it will feel tiring and depleting, which is how Jenny felt after sending me a lot of love energy to soothe my anger and childish fighting tendencies.

So you see, vampires actually ARE real, and we all have the ability to become one, but that is why we must strive to rise above and find other, healthier sources of energy, which brings me back around to the article about the 97-year-old Japanese physician. He reminds us to think back to when we were children and how little most of us were interested in eating or resting. Remember those days? Great times, right? Well you will be happy to know that you can forever live like a child in certain ways, you just have to surround yourself with people, places, causes, ideas, and anything else you can possibly think of that brings you joy, inspiration, and excitement. That's all it takes!! We think it gets trickier with time and age, but I really don't think it does. I think it is moreso a matter of having the courage to let out our inner child as much as possible and simply let them point us where to go. They have our Answers!! You just need to sit back and listen :)

One of the reasons I started writing these blogs is because of a conversation that Jenny and I had when we were both calm and clear-headed about this very topic of energy. She was the one who saved me from my evil ways, who lifted from my blind eyes the veil of ignorance and showed me just what I was up to. She calmly explained to me, just like Dr. Hinohara does in his article, that there are a great many ways to gain energy from all around us, and it is simply a matter of picking what activities, places, people, ideas, music, etc. excite, move, and inspire us the most, and incorporating them into our lives as much as possible. For me, something I love to do which excites and enlivens me is write, so here I am, gaining energy and sharing with you positivity, love, and hopefully insight.

This was something that I intimately understood and practiced as a child, but, like so many of us, forgot along the way, so now I ask you...

How do you get your energy?

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