Friday, February 12, 2010

The Gift of the Gab

So I had my first session a few weeks ago with my new naturopath who is also a homeopath and a dreamworker. Super cool dude named Dr. Chris Sowton, and if you are in need of help and feel attacted to or are curious about any of his aforementioned disciples, holler at him: 416-588-9649. Working with him so far has been incredibly worthwhile!!!

So anyway, I am sitting there dumping out a ton of personal stuff and trying my best to answer his questions to the best of my ability (y'all know I don't like to mince words), and then came what I felt was his golden question: "Andrew, what is the most healing thing you have ever experienced?" I paused for a moment to search the catacombs of my mind, and then the answer softly dawned on me: "Talking," I said with a big smile.

For those of you who are into astrology, specifically the Western branch, then you may have some idea that talking to a Gemini is like water to a fish - it is everything. Geminis seem either to be introvert or extrovert, for it is also the two-faced or two-sided sign and is the embodiement of duality, but for those of us who lean towards extroversion (i.e. me), talking is one of the greatest joys in life, and, more specifically, talking to someone or to a group of people who are ACTUALLY LISTENING!!! Lol.

So combine my experience with Chris with my exposure tonight to my friend Hugh Smiley's new blog, and I was moved to create my own :) TA DA!!! Hope you like it, and stay tuned...

"The art of self-expression is the art of realizing that your secrets do not truly belong to you, they belong to the world." - Andrew D. Baker

BTW, check out Chris here:

and Hugh here:

One more useful quote: "I have never encountered a problem communication could not solve. I have only encountered people who are not willing to communicate." - A.D.B.


  1. Great job, Andrew! It's beautiful to see you finally listening to what you need. Staying tuned for more...xoxo

  2. Thanks so much for your support!!

  3. Btw, would you like to go out with me sometime? I would love to take you out on a date, that is, unless you already have someone...

  4. "The art of self-expression is the art of realizing that your secrets do not truly belong to you, they belong to the world." - Andrew D. Baker

    This is great, Andrew! And your 1st three entries are a delight! - I'm "subscribing" to you!!

    Until our paths cross again.... Love is being sent your way. I'm so glad we met!


  5. Thank you so much for your positive feedback and support, Dee! I just saw this now, so forgive the tardy reply :)

    I'm so glad we've met, too, and I can't wait to see you again soon! Next week would be great :)
